Connecting research and innovation with real business problems



As RnBGate, we want to change our world for good, supporting research and technological development, to help clients innovate their business models.


Global lead generation and networking

Active angel investing

Research, innovation, and management outsourcing services

Business training and talent development

Digital transformation support

Massive data analytics for business models

Technological business models and cloud computing technology consultancy.

High performance and quantum computing solutions

Machine learning solutions

IoT platform development, social robotics and digital interactions, computer vision and pattern recognition, natural language processing and information retrieval

About us

RnBGate Group was created in November 2019 to actively connect technological research and innovation with businesses and companies, to facilitate their digital transformation through exponential technologies.

We aim at bridging the gap between these two worlds following a technical and scientific approach: we analyse the business problem to reach an innovative and personalised solution, obtained selecting the skills and integrating the assets of research labs, universities and start-ups.

As the Group leader company, RnBGate believes in talent growth and the development of young entrepreneurship. We make it possible with our selected team of young talents and a wide network of senior researchers and consultants from all over the world. RnBGate actively invests in innovative and high-potential start-ups, contributing to their local and international business development, through managerial mentorship, networking and go-to-market activities.


Fabrizio Renzi - Founder, President & CEO

I have dedicated my career to the promotion of technological research for the creation of new business models in an international and multicultural environment. I graduated from the Polytechnic University of Milan in Electronic Engineering, as well as from the International Executive Program from INSEAD in Paris and Singapore. As the former Director of Research, Technology and Innovation for IBM Italy, Central Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa, for 30 years I have promoted a common technological development through an international network. Since 2017, I have been active in open business innovation, connecting companies and start-ups to research labs in the world. From November 2019, I decided to independently pursue my passion for talent and innovation development, with projects in Italy, United States, Israel, China, Eastern Europe, Middle East, and Africa.



Matteo Marinelli

MIND (Milano Innovation District) Ambassador

Giulia Leonardi

EIT (European Institute of Technology) & Politecnico di Milano Ambassador

Giulia Franco

Data Scientist & Trieste University Research District Ambassador

Chiara Vitali

International communication specialist

Stefano Cavallazzi

Chief Marketing Officer

The Group

Contact us

Would you like to know more about our services or work with us? Get in touch!

Head Office
Via Flavia, 23/1
Trieste 34148 TS

Head Office. TRIESTE (TS) VIA FLAVIA 23/1 34148

VAT number. 01334980321

REA number. TS - 205625

Share Capital. €164.000

Certified e-mail (PEC).

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